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Hi there my Folklore's, Thank you so so much, for joining me on this magical journey and welcome. Oh...Before I forget. If you sign up to the site, you will get FREE membership access to extra goodies NOT AVAILABLE anywhere else.
This world is made up of amazing wonders and people living their everyday lives . As a writer and songwriter, I am always searching for those stories.
Stories that make us cry, jump for joy,those stories that move us all.
Just let me know where to send the info ⇣↓⇣↓⇣
Have you got a project you are working on, that needs a musical score. Indie or Mainstream.?
Or hay!! even a Wedding, Family video. An old piece of your life that you would like Professionally Scored on a budget... Big Or Small. I will make it sound BIG.
I am available, Just reach out and click HERE
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